The enthusiastically directed and energetically performed When You Wish upon a Pizza, produced by the 14/48 Projects and directed by Monica Galarneau from a script by Amy Escobar, is a lively, 45-minute romp for young children, bolstered by larger-than-life performances and a fun aesthetic.
The story of Pat, an irresponsible youth who learns the power of responsibility in their pursuit of pizza in a fantasy kingdom that serves as a rough parody of several well-known children’s tales, Pizza tells a simple, storybook adventure that children are sure to enjoy. The colorful set by Shawn Belyea and Moshe Henderson and bright costume design by Corinne Magin bring this aesthetic to life with charming detail. The play is certainly produced with effort and attention by the company, elevating its source material with a level of care that was certainly unexpected.
Equally thorough are the performers, who enliven the show with a lot of energy and truly bring professionalism and goofiness to the script. Katie Jaspar as Pat anchors a cast that goes through numerous quick, impressive costume and character changes, centering the action on the initially selfish protagonist and imbuing them with a childlike familiarity and off-the-wall vigor. The cast are equally delightful, making the charming fairy tale pass by with ease and embodying multiple characters with specificity and humor.
Parents will find the play enjoyable on the strength of its design and performers, and children will certainly find it delightful as well. When You Wish upon a Pizza is a strong outing from the 14/48 Projects.
The 14/48 Projects performances are free; for more information on their touring schedule, go to